How to Best Use these 365 Social Media Post Ideas
This is a lot so here’s the key to using them.
I’ve created ideas and content prompts for every single day of the year. What I want you to do is download the document and really remember 2 things:
1. Why are you posting on Social Media? Think of your why. If you are like most people it’s to get clients, grow exposure and to grow your business. That’s why most people use social media and take time to create a content strategy.
So the first thing I want you to do is get really clear on your why. Ask yourself:
What is my goal, what is my objective, why am I doing this?
2. I want you to get a really clear understanding of which of these content ideas really stand out to you.
The thing with content creation is that some ideas are going to feel super good and super fun, oh I can do a bunch of those, and some of them won’t speak to you and that is ok.
It’s really important to go through the list, it’s a lot it’s 365, and really decide on which one of these you are going to write a post about.
Now you can post everyday if you want on social media, there’s nothing wrong with that, but you can also start small. If you want to post once a week that’s absolutely fine as well.
The key is to pick an amount of times that you can be consistent with. So maybe you decide that for right now you’re going to post weekly. So let’s say you’ve decided to post on Facebook or LinkedIn or Instagram or on all three once a week on Mondays. That’s a great place to start! The key is to make sure that you never miss a Monday.
And then when it’s been a while and you haven’t missed a Monday then also post on a Wednesday and do that consistently. Monday and Wednesday are your days that you never miss a post. And then when you’ve built the habit of posting consistently two times a week then you can add maybe a Friday. Now you’re posting three times a week consistently.
So, don’t see 365 posts and think that you need to post every single day. See a list of 365 post ideas and say: How can I take a look at this list and identify which are the content ideas that I feel really aligned with and that really resonate with me!