Week 9.1: Overcoming Self Promotion Fears


When it comes to visibility the biggest challenge is actually getting out of our own way so we can take the action that’s going to get us out there. It’s such a challenge, because creating visibility causes so many self-doubts and fears to bubble up…

“Am I good enough?”

“What if people think this is silly and I just look like a fool?”

“What if this doesn’t work out?”

The sheer number of excuses I’ve come up with in the past to avoid getting myself out there is ridiculous. I’ve wasted so much time letting my fears control my actions instead of just getting on with it and so if you’re stuck in that place right now I know how frustrating it is!

But I also know what you need to do to turn it around. By taking some simple steps you can stop holding yourself back and star t creating the visibility that will truly transform your business.

So today I have some powerful questions for you to think about and answer to begin the transformation.

So let’s get started!

☞ Prompt

This workbook #1 of the Let’s Get Visible is for your personal use.

Week 9.2: Identify Your Visibility Super Power


Visibility can get scary and difficult when you try to do things that don’t come naturally and easily to you. Identifying what your visibility super power is going to be will play a major role to your brand and business success.

So think about what comes most naturally to you. Are you really good at writing, creating graphics, speaking or perhaps recording videos? The easier you make this, the more you will be likely to stick with it.

Putting yourself out there is all about telling stories that will resonate with your dream customer, show what you are all about and what your business stands for.

Different stories have different intentions and help your audience resonate with you in various ways so you will want to build a collection of stories you can share in order to strengthen your relationship with your audience in different ways.

Regardless of whether you’re already active on one or more platforms and you’re putting yourself out there, simplicity and focus is key to growing your visibility.

Stretching your efforts too thin across multiple platforms will not get you the best results.

So for the next 90 days, I would like you to pick one social media platform or one medium and focus on mastering just that for 90 days.

Using the workbook below, will help you get clear on your visibility super power and break down your stories based on the Hero’s Journey structure!

☞ Prompt

This workbook #2 of the Let’s Get Visible is for your personal use.

Week 9.3: Week Nine Accountability Form

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As your coach, it is my job to hold to you accountable to your greatness and get the best out of you in our coaching sessions. For me to do this effectively I require you to meet me half way and help me to help you.

Filling out your form will play a huge part in structuring our coaching sessions and giving you the information you need at the time you need it.

Reviewing and reflecting and projecting in terms of our success and sales is a massive part of success. It’s not just about being held accountable it’s about developing the habit of a highly successful person that reviews on a weekly basis, reflects on the things they could have done better and the things that went really well, and then projects for the up and coming week on the things that are important to move the business forward.

The accountability form is available every Friday to Sunday. Sit quietly and give your brand and business this time of filling in the form in a way where you totally immerse in the process.

Week 10.1: Your Visibility Strategy


Now that you have the mindset, the stories and your chosen visibility super power all figured out, it’s time to put that all into a plan.

I know that the thought of planning 30 days of content can be overwhelming, i’ve been there. Lucky for you, this resource is going to help you kiss overwhelm goodbye and say hello to your social media foundation.

So, let’s break it down into:



Let’s get started!

☞ Prompt

This resource #3 of the Let’s Get Visible is for your personal use.

Week 10.2: Your Weekly Visibility Plan


Every Sunday, I plan a week of social media posts. This doesn’t mean the posts are written and the photos are ready, it’s just a plan of knowing what I’m doing for the week. Creating this plan makes posting content SO much easier throughout the week.

This workbook was created for you to use every single week to help you get clear on your intentions, objectives and strategy to achieve your goals!

☞ Prompt

This workbook #4 of the Let’s Get Visible is for your personal use.

Week 10.3: Week Ten Accountability Form


As your coach, it is my job to hold to you accountable to your greatness and get the best out of you in our coaching sessions. For me to do this effectively I require you to meet me half way and help me to help you.

Filling out your form will play a huge part in structuring our coaching sessions and giving you the information you need at the time you need it.

Reviewing and reflecting and projecting in terms of our success and sales is a massive part of success. It’s not just about being held accountable it’s about developing the habit of a highly successful person that reviews on a weekly basis, reflects on the things they could have done better and the things that went really well, and then projects for the up and coming week on the things that are important to move the business forward.

The accountability form is available every Friday to Sunday. Sit quietly and give your brand and business this time of filling in the form in a way where you totally immerse in the process.

Week 11.1: 365 Social Media Post Ideas


How to Best Use these 365 Social Media Post Ideas

This is a lot so here’s the key to using them.

I’ve created ideas and content prompts for every single day of the year. What I want you to do is download the document and really remember 2 things:

1. Why are you posting on Social Media? Think of your why. If you are like most people it’s to get clients, grow exposure and to grow your business. That’s why most people use social media and take time to create a content strategy.

So the first thing I want you to do is get really clear on your why.  Ask yourself:

What is my goal, what is my objective, why am I doing this?

2. I want you to get a really clear understanding of which of these content ideas really stand out to you. 

The thing with content creation is that some ideas are going to feel super good and super fun, oh I can do a bunch of those, and some of them won’t speak to you and that is ok.

It’s really important to go through the list, it’s a lot it’s 365, and really decide on which one of these you are going to write a post about.

Now you can post everyday if you want on social media, there’s nothing wrong with that, but you can also start small. If you want to post once a week that’s absolutely fine as well.

The key is to pick an amount of times that you can be consistent with. So maybe you decide that for right now you’re going to post weekly. So let’s say you’ve decided to post on Facebook or LinkedIn or Instagram or on all three once a week on Mondays. That’s a great place to start! The key is to make sure that you never miss a Monday.

And then when it’s been a while and you haven’t missed a Monday then also post on a Wednesday and do that consistently. Monday and Wednesday are your days that you never miss a post. And then when you’ve built the habit of posting consistently two times a week then you can add maybe a Friday. Now you’re posting three times a week consistently.

So, don’t see 365 posts and think that you need to post every single day. See a list of 365 post ideas and say: How can I take a look at this list and identify which are the content ideas that I feel really aligned with and that really resonate with me!

☞ Prompt

This resource #5 of the Let’s Get Visible is for your personal use.

Week 11.2: 50 Ideas For Call-to-Action


Your ideal customers, your ideal clients right now are kind of hanging out and watching what you do. They’re reading your posts, they may or may not be commenting but they’re observing.

So, what do we need to do? We need to encourage them to get to the next step and that is what a Call-to-Action is.

Right now your potential ideal clients are observers, they’re on the sidelines and they’re waiting for your invitation to take things to the next level. To buy your program if you’re a coach, to hire you for services if you’re a service provider, to purchase your product if that’s what you sell.

They are waiting for you to call them to action. That’s why it’s called a Call-to-Action or CTA that’s what it is. It’s a call, an invitation to take action, to get off the fence, to get out of the sidelines and to join you in whatever it is you’re doing or selling. So we want to make our call to actions really compelling.

What I’ve done is I’ve created 50 call to action ideas for you that you can use at the bottom of your social media posts to get people to take action.

The key is for you to take a look at this list and answer the question:

How am I going to use these in my business? How am I going to use these to speak to my ideal clients?

Take a look at this list and use it to take people from on the sideline, on the fence and get them to hop off the fence and come join you in whatever you are selling.

I hope you find these helpful!

☞ Prompt

This resource #6 of the Let’s Get Visible is for your personal use.